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Xanax, Ativan & Klonopin: The Dangerous Happy Pills

Benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Ativan, or Klonopin are often prescribed for psychological problems or sleep disorders. However, too little information is usually provided about possible side effects and the high addiction potential. This is problematic in two respects. On the one hand, these drugs only suppress the symptoms. At the same time, the underlying illness remains untreated and often worsens as a result. Secondly, benzodiazepines make you physically dependent within a few weeks, so you have to deal with withdrawal as well as anxiety, insomnia, or stress. But none of this would be necessary because, thanks to modern brain research, there have long been other methods that allow you to regain your mental balance quickly and even inexpensively without medication. But more on this at the end of this blog article.

Benzodiazepines: Responsible for the Deaths of Many Famous People

Benzodiazepines such as Xanax (Alprazolam), Avitan (Lorazepam) or Klonopin (Clonazepam) have enormous addictive potential. They quickly become addictive without you realizing it. In the worst case, the alleged miracle pills can even lead to death if they interact with alcohol or other medications. There are plenty of famous examples from the music and film industry. At the autopsies of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Prince, and Amy Winehouse, residues of benzodiazepine cocktails were found in their blood. Elvis Presley and Elisabeth Taylor also took Benzo anxiety blockers without restraint. But how did it actually come about that benzodiazepine preparations were able to make this dangerous triumphal march through all levels of society?

Xanax (Alprazolam): A Sad Record Holder

In the USA, Xanax abuse is one of the most common reasons why people end up in hospital emergency rooms*. The rapid absorption and the short duration of action of 8 to a maximum of 16 hours contribute to the high potential for abuse, as does the fact that Xanax, unlike Ativan, activates the release of dopamine. This neurotransmitter, commonly known as the happiness hormone, acts directly on the brain’s reward center and literally makes us addicted to more.

* Source reference,_misuse,_and_withdrawal.2.aspx

Ativan (Lorazepam): Perhaps the Worst Benzodiazepine of All

With lorazepam, the warnings for side effects and contraindications are manifold, from potentially fatal respiratory depression to contraindications for breastfeeding babies, as the active ingredient lorazepam passes into breast milk. Ativan is used under medical supervision to treat seizures, severe sleep disorders, withdrawal from alcohol and drugs, as well as anxiety and panic states. In hospitals, lorazepam is used to calm patients before operations.

However, Ativan reaches the masses via a different route. When patients complain of diffuse stress symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia with depressive moods, doctors pull out the prescription pad. And this is precisely where the danger lies for unsuspecting consumers. Contrary to the many empty promises made by pharmaceutical manufacturers, Ativan actually has a relaxing, calming, and sleep-promoting effect. The active ingredient, lorazepam, provides a pleasantly balanced feeling after around 30 minutes. Panic attacks, fear of failure, or worries about the future dissolve in a pink cloud. However, the effect of lorazepam wears off after around 8 hours, which is why it usually doesn’t take long to reach for the next pill.

How and Where does Ativan Actually Work?

The active ingredient lorazepam accumulates in the brain at specific nerve cell switch points. There, the excitability of the nerves is reduced. As a result, those affected quickly feel significant relief from feelings of panic and anxiety, as well as a generally improved sense of well-being. The relaxing effect already starts with a mini dose of 0.5 milligrams of the active ingredient lorazepam. But don’t let this fool you: Ativan is more addictive than cocaine and more dangerous than heroin during withdrawal.

Klonopin: How to Recognize Whether an Addiction Already Exists

Like all benzodiazepines, Klonopin (Clonazepam) is addictive within a very short time. This leads to both physical and psychological symptoms. Suppose you or a person close to you exhibit the following signs. In that case, there is a strong suspicion that you are already dependent on Klonopin.

Physical Symptoms of Klonopin Dependence

  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Reduced breathing
  • Prolonged sleep duration
  • Noticeably flaccid muscles
  • Poorer coordination of the muscles

Psychological Symptoms of Klonopin Dependence

  • Poor memory
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depressive mood
  • States of anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Changed personality
  • Agitation


If you are concerned that you are dependent on Klonopin or any other benzodiazepine, please do not stop taking the medication abruptly, as this could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. Discuss with your doctor the best way to slowly phase out the drug.

Opioid painkillers crisis and drug abuse concept. Opioid and prescription medication addiction epidemic. Different kinds of multicolored pills.

Librium & Valium: The Beginning of a Dangerous Success Story

Fear of epidemics, fear of war, or fear of poverty. There have always been fears and worries throughout the centuries and in every culture. While alcohol, opium, or other herbal anesthetics used to be the only saviors in times of need, barbiturates came onto the market at the beginning of the 20th century. These drugs promised a targeted chemical anesthetic for anxiety. And with this, the pharmaceutical industry launched its irresponsible advertising campaign for the medicinal treatment of anxiety disorders. Barbiturates quickly became popular as sleeping pills and tranquilizers. But they fell into disrepute soon after their market launch. This was because the drugs were difficult to dose. An overdose could be fatal, and taking them was often associated with suicide. The drugs nevertheless remained on the market but were suddenly replaced by a new active ingredient in the middle of the 20th century. The first benzodiazepine tablet was launched in 1960 as a tranquilizer under the meaningful name Librium (“liberating”). The drug was an immediate success.

However, the absolute bestseller, which brought billions into the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry, came onto the market in 1963 as the successor to Librium: Valium. The drug became the first blockbuster in the history of medicine. The drug had a calming effect against states of agitation and anxiety attacks and had a muscle-relaxing and sleep-promoting effect. The new anti-anxiety and anti-stress drug swept through society and became the most prescribed medication in the Western world, especially in the 1960s. From the experimental hippies to the housewife at the stove, everyone swallowed the “happy pills. ”And the Rolling Stones even wrote the international Valium anthem with their ironic song “Mother’s Little Helper.”

But as you can imagine, every euphoria is followed by disillusionment. This began at the end of the seventies. This is because benzodiazepines lead to addiction and personality changes when used regularly. The fact that the pill does not solve the problems but only provides short-term relief is dangerous. And there is an obvious danger of constantly increasing the total dose to supposedly float on a rosy cloud for longer before all the more severe crashes threaten.

How to Overcome Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders Without Medication

As already mentioned, the effect of benzodiazepines is based on a drug intervention in the transmission of nerve cells in the brain. This reduces their excitability. Believe it or not, you can achieve the same anxiety-relieving effect without any medication at all. In our online video course, “The Anxiety Cure,” we show you how to do it. Step by step, you will learn how to activate your brain’s self-healing powers in such a way that anxiety and panic become significantly less intense after just a few days.

This is made possible by a specially developed mental training program that was developed in Germany back in 2013 and has since helped over a quarter of a million people to overcome even severe anxiety disorders. Without any medication, without confrontation therapy, and without having to laboriously work through old traumatic experiences. You can find out how all this was made possible in the first episode of “The Anxiety Cure,” which you can watch immediately for free via this link.