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The 10 Sentence Method, according to Klaus Bernhardt

The 10 Sentence Method is a mental technique that often makes it possible to overcome anxiety disorders within a few weeks without medication. Klaus Bernhardt, head of the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin, developed it. It is now used successfully in 24 countries. It has already helped hundreds …

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Nightmares: How to Get Rid of Them

Good news for all those who suffer from nightmares. There is a method with which nightly horror trips can be significantly reduced. This blog article from the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin explains which method it is and what exactly is behind nightmares.

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Hypochondria: How to overcome fears of illness

In hypochondriacal disorder, sufferers are often convinced that they are suffering from a serious illness that just hasn’t been discovered yet, such as a brain tumor. The more pronounced the fear of illness, the more often it happens that hypochondriacs constantly visit new doctors. The driving force behind this is the hope that someone will finally discover the disease that…

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What is the Bernhardt Method?

The Bernhardt Method is a short-term therapy for anxiety disorders developed at the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin. It was named after the two directors of the Institute, Daniela and Klaus Bernhardt. It was first introduced to an international audience in the book “Get rid of panic attacks and other anxiety disorders”  (In German: Panikattacken und andere Angststörungen loswerden),…

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Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks – Best Treatment 2023

While agoraphobia without panic attacks is often still treated without the use of psychotropic drugs, antidepressants and/or strong tranquilizers are often used for agoraphobia with panic attacks. However, drug treatment of anxiety disorders is not without risks. Because such pharmacotherapy can be both addictive and lead to severe side effects. Fortunately, a new form of therapy has been available for…

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Can Caffeine Cause Anxiety?

Do you feel anxious after drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages? Or are you worried that caffeine causes anxiety? The answer to this question is not as simple as yes or no. While there is evidence that some people develop increased anxiety with …

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Anxiety can cause dizziness

Anxiety can cause various symptoms, and dizziness or lightheadedness is one of them. It typically occurs in moments of intense fear or anxiety. Anxiety can cause you to feel like the room is swaying or spinning and your surroundings are distorted – as if reality has shifted. These feelings may also be accompanied by an increased heart rate, shortness of…

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Roemheld syndrome: an often overlooked cause of anxiety

leungchopan@envato-elements Roemheld syndrome: an often overlooked cause of anxiety We speak of Roemheld syndrome when a lot of gas accumulates in the stomach and intestines of people and subsequently symptoms like those of an anxiety disorder are observed. These can be, for example: Hot flashes, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, sleep disturbances or palpitations, also called…

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Cervical spine problems and anxiety – there are correlations

Cervical spine problems and anxiety – there are correlations That cervical spine problems can lead to anxiety disorders in the long term is now clearly medically proven. Which measures help immediately and what you should better avoid, that’s what this blog article from the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin is about. Why you should never underestimate neck pain As…

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High blood pressure and anxiety: how are they related?

High blood pressure and anxiety: how are they related? Underestimating the influence of the psyche in high blood pressure is a common mistake. Anyone who takes antihypertensives even though everything is physically fine and it is actually only an anxiety disorder that is responsible for the high values often risks further problems. This is because antihypertensives can cause a number…

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How to overcome Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

The good news first. You are not helpless in the face of social anxiety. For a good 5 years now, there has been a therapy with which it is possible to reduce social anxiety more and more, even without confrontation and without medication. What that is and what people with social anxiety disorder can do so that the first successes…

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Get rid of panic attacks quickly and permanently

Even if many sufferers can hardly imagine this in their distress: They are not helplessly at the mercy of panic attacks. For the past 5 years, there has been a therapy that has shown above-average success in treating panic attacks. This blog article from the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin deals with the therapy and what anxiety patients should…

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Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) better

Even if many sufferers can hardly imagine this in their distress: They are not helplessly at the mercy of panic attacks. For the past 5 years, there has been a therapy that has shown above-average success in treating panic attacks. This blog article from the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin deals with the therapy and what anxiety patients should…

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Fear of Throwing Up: What’s Really Behind Emetophobia

Emetophobia is much more than just finding certain situations “disgusting.” Those who suffer from it constantly fear that they might throw up themselves or witness someone else doing so. Therefore, even to read this text, an emetophobic needs quite a bit of self-conquest. Some do not even know that they suffer from an anxiety disorder. Instead, they believe …

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