The 10 Sentence Method, according to Klaus Bernhardt
The 10 Sentence Method is a mental technique that often makes it possible to overcome anxiety disorders within a few weeks without medication. Klaus Bernhardt, head of the Institute for Modern Psychotherapy in Berlin, developed it. It is now used successfully in 24 countries. It has already helped hundreds of thousands of former anxiety patients to lead an anxiety-free life again.
With the 10 Sentence Method, the human brain’s ability to network itself anew every day into old age (also known as neuroplasticity) is stimulated explicitly to remove the neuronal breeding ground for fear and panic. This may initially sound difficult, but it is not on closer inspection. Thanks to modern brain research, we now know exactly what kind of brooding and visualization of “worst-case scenarios” is responsible for turning healthy people into anxiety patients. This is precisely where the 10 Sentence Method comes in because the fact is that if a particular way of thinking can trigger anxiety disorders, then there must also be another way of thinking that reverses this process. And it is precisely this “other” way of thinking that you learn with the 10 Sentence Method.
The 10 Sentence Method – Explained Simply.
The basic idea of this method is based on a simple question: “What is your life like when it’s really great?” If you ask people with an anxiety disorder this question, you often only hear two words: “No panic!” Most people can’t think of much more at first. However, if you ask them what they no longer want in their lives, almost everyone starts talking for minutes.
Why don’t you try this test on yourself? Take three minutes right now and list everything you dislike about your life. Then, spend three minutes describing what your life would be like if it were really great. It is essential that you only use positive formulations here. We already had a collection of things you would like to do without in the first three minutes.
While most sufferers find the first task relatively easy, the second task is often much less so. This is suitable proof that the brains of anxiety sufferers are much better connected in the negative direction than in the positive. But don’t worry, even if you have been thinking negatively rather than positively for years, this doesn’t mean you have to spend years practicing thinking differently. Klaus Bernhardt has developed two interlocking methods, the 10 Sentence Method and the 5-Channel Technique, with which the brain can be reprogrammed much more quickly than possible.
The 10 Sentence Method: Preparatory Steps
As mentioned, the 10 Sentence Method is based on a simple fundamental question: “What is your life like when it’s really great?” To do this, write ten sentences on paper about how you imagine a truly perfect life. But before you start writing, it’s essential to remember five simple rules because this is about much more than just positive thinking. We want to achieve a “real reprogramming” of your brain, so you should pay close attention to the rules and laws according to which your brain works.
Thinking is a predominantly auditory process because when you think, you hear your voice spoken in your head. If you were unaware of this until today, you can check it out here and now. To do this, please think the following sentence five times in succession:
“I’m looking forward to being completely healthy again soon!”
(Significant: Please repeat this sentence in your mind five times before you continue reading).
Have you noticed? Not only have you heard the sentence in your voice in your head, but your perceived energy has increased a little. This is because what we tell ourselves in our thoughts immediately impacts how we feel. The language we use, whether spoken or just thought, fulfills the same function as a computer’s operating system. It is the basis on which we build everything else. Every single word counts for more than you can probably imagine. This is precisely why the 10 Sentence Method and the 5-Channel Technique are so successful and have many fans worldwide.
The 5-Channel Technique and the 5 rules you will learn are different. While the 5-Channel Technique ensures that your positive neuronal growth is significantly accelerated, the 5 rules that now follow form the basis for formulating your 10 sentences so your brain can do something with them.
5 Rules to Make the 10 Sentence Method Work
The following five rules will help you make the best possible use of your thoughts’ internal language to optimally rewire your brain. Once you have mastered and applied these rules, your life can change for the better at a speed that many psychiatrists and psychotherapists still consider impossible. However, thousands of grateful emails that reach us year after year from former anxiety patients allow us to say with certainty today that all anxiety patients have a real chance of finally getting better with the 10 Sentence Method. Even if they have been suffering from it for decades and are considered to be out of therapy. However, this only works if you adhere to the following rules:
Rule 1: Form Your 10 Sentences Without Negation.
Without negation means that your sentences must not contain a negation. KEINE Angst and OHNE Sorgen would be typical examples of negations. But why are these negations a mistake? Because your brain is not capable of thinking in negations. Let’s do another little test:
Please do NOT, under any circumstances, think of a bear on a bicycle. The bear is NOT wearing mirrored sunglasses and does NOT have a yellow rucksack on its back.
So, have you managed not to see the bear in your mind’s eye? Of course not, because you can’t NOT think. To process information about what you shouldn’t think, you first have to imagine it. And this is exactly how your brain is networked in a certain way. This means that every time you say to yourself, for example, I do NOT want to have any more panic attacks, you are only making it easier for your brain to feel panic afterward, as you have networked the information PANIC even more strongly in your head.
In the rest of this blog article, we will repeatedly ask you to carry out minor tests. Because we don’t want you to blindly believe everything we say. Please remain critical and check all our statements for yourself. You have probably relied on supposed experts and advice long enough without being freed from your fears. I encourage you to take full responsibility for your life. Get to know your own personal mechanisms of anxiety and, therefore, yourself better. As a result, you will increasingly develop a feeling for how you program yourself daily through your own language. This self-programming controls all areas of your life without exception. That is why the techniques developed by Klaus Bernhardt and his team not only help you transform fear into ease but also enable you to attract far more success than failure into your life in the future. After all, success is also essentially based on how your parents, your social environment, and you have (sometimes unconsciously) programmed yourself over the years.
This rule comes automatically as soon as we adhere to rule 1. Instead of saying: “I do NOT want to be afraid anymore,” say: “I am courageous and self-confident.” Just as your brain inevitably has to remember a situation in which you were afraid when you said the first sentence, it will naturally look for references to situations in which you were courageous and self-confident when you said the second sentence.
Please also be careful not to use hidden negations such as “debt-free.” Not only does it contain the negative word “debt,” but the word “free” in these cases is also synonymous with “none” or “without.” Instead of “debt-free,” use the following sentence: “I always have enough money to be able to afford what is important and good for me.”
You may now be thinking: “How is a simple rephrasing of my thoughts supposed to ensure that I suddenly have more money in my pocket, for example?” As this question comes up very often, we’ll explain briefly. By thinking differently, you activate other capacities in your brain. You have spent much of your energy and time thinking about why everything is so difficult. However, if you were to use the same resources day after day to find new ways to make life easier, you would achieve different results much faster. This may sound a little esoteric at first, but it can be explained scientifically:
Your subconscious mind has been proven to process over 80,000 pieces of information per second. This is comparable to 80,000 helpers waiting every morning to receive your daily marching orders. As long as you give them the daily search to find everything that stands in the way of your personal success and a courageous and self-confident life, your 80,000 subconscious helpers will give you exactly that. How different do you think your life could look if your brain instead subconsciously searched 80,000 times every second for ways to quickly make your life more beautiful and enjoyable?
Thanks to modern brain research, we now know that our brain forms many synapses when we experience something for real. Much more exciting, however, is the fact that we create almost as many neuronal networks when we imagine something very intensely. As soon as we pretend in our minds that we can do everything we want to achieve, we find it easier to achieve our goal each time.
This effect has been used successfully in top-class sports for years and is crucial to mental training. For example, suppose a figure skater wants to rehearse a new, complicated figure. In that case, her coach will ask her to imagine the perfect sequence of this figure repeatedly in her mind. Sometimes, he will focus only on how this sequence looks; other times, he will pay more attention to how the body feels. How does each individual muscle feel at the moment when the figure skater masters the figure perfectly? She must act in her mind as if the desired situation were already a reality. Studies have shown that up to 40 percent faster training success can be achieved with additional mental training than if the training consists purely of physical repetition.
If something works so well in sports, shouldn’t you also apply this success strategy to your health? Formulate your ten sentences exclusively in the present tense, even if you think it could be years before you achieve this goal. Incidentally, your sentences don’t just have to focus on your physical or mental well-being. Everyday wishes and goals are also a great way to quickly get your brain back on track. “I’m going on a dream vacation to the Maldives” or “I live in a wonderful partnership” are two possible examples of a really great life.
Rule 4: Be Very Specific in Your Sentences.
The more concretely you describe your life once it is perfect, the faster your brain can form the necessary neural pathways. General phrases such as “I’m fine” or “I’m happy” offer too few opportunities for your gray matter to network with each other quickly and on a large scale. Find sentences that specifically describe future situations you want to experience as soon as you overcome your fear for good. Focus primarily on the areas of your life in which avoidance behavior is already part of the daily routine. For example, if you haven’t driven a car for a while, a good sentence would be: “I love to spontaneously drive my car somewhere.” Here are some more examples of what such concrete sentences could look like:
Examples of the 10 Sentence Method
- I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and full of energy.
- I love my new job, have a lot of fun with my lovely colleagues, and am happy every day about how much my work and I are appreciated there.
- I drive a great car that makes me feel good every day.
- I cook for friends and enjoy being a good host.
- I treat myself like my best friend.
- I talk to myself well, eat well, and only surround myself with people who are good for me.
- I do my favorite sport twice weekly and feel comfortable in my body.
- I enjoy being around people and find giving everyone a friendly smile easy. Thanks to this behavior, I love the positive energy that comes back to me.
- I cultivate old and new friendships and am happy every day about how many loving and inspiring people there are.
- I enrich my life with many enjoyable activities (specific examples here). I am delighted at how my range of movement is expanding weekly.
- I only allow my mind to get good information that helps make my life even easier, happier, and more successful.
- I have turned my hobby (use specific hobby here) into a career and love earning good money with an activity I enjoy.
This does not mean that your sentences should contain “realistic” goals. On the contrary, the higher you set your goals, the faster you will succeed. This may sound contradictory at first, but neuroscience can explain it well. Suppose you want to find out more about this. In that case, we recommend our online video course, “THE ANXIETY CURE.” In this video course, you will be personally guided step by step for 7 hours. Get out of fear and into the life you have perhaps been longing for for so long.
Self-achievability means that you should not make your goals dependent on certain people. Neither your boss, partner, family, or state are responsible for your life. You alone decide daily what you do, what you don’t do, and who you spend most of your time with. Of course, suppose you are in the fortunate position of having already found the perfect partner or the perfect boss. In that case, you are welcome to include them in your exercise.
The 5th Rule – Using a Concrete Example:
Let’s assume that you, too, have been unhappy in your job for years because of an unsympathetic boss, and your sentence would be, “I feel pleased in my current job.” This is a typical example of a misunderstood positive affirmation that cannot work this way. This sentence would not be ACHIEVABLE BY YOURSELF because someone else would have to change something for you to feel good again. So, you are making your happiness dependent on your boss’s behavior, and that will generally not work. Because he is pursuing his own interests and probably doesn’t care how you feel as long as you deliver maximum performance for the lowest possible salary. This thinking creates nothing more than an unpleasant feeling of dependency and helplessness.
In contrast, the following formulation would be achievable: “I have a good job in which I and my skills are valued and appropriately rewarded.” Now, it is up to you alone to think about your skills and what exactly this job should look like in which you can finally flourish. As soon as you know this, your 80,000 subconscious helpers can finally get to work effectively. Now, your brain has a meaningful search task and can adjust your subconscious perception so that you won’t miss any more opportunities to find the perfect job for you.
Many anxiety patients know what they do NOT want. No boss who only criticizes, no job that pays so little, no boring and unsatisfying work. But you are also giving your subconscious a search task, albeit one that delivers more of what you don’t want. This is why people who think like this are usually only offered jobs that are hardly any better than the ones they already have. Incidentally, the same laws also apply to interpersonal relationships. As long as you only tell your subconscious what you do NOT want anymore, you will increasingly meet people who have precisely these negative characteristics.
Now that you have written down your ten sentences, the next step is to rewire your brain as quickly as possible. To do this, we use a trick from brain research called the turbocharger for mental health: The 5-Channel Technique. You can find out exactly how it works in another blog article that we have linked for you here: The 5-Channel Technique, according to Klaus Bernhardt.
Another tip:
Suppose you would like to use the 10 Sentence Method and the 5-channel Technique so that you can lead an anxiety-free and fulfilling life again as quickly as possible. In that case, we recommend our video course, “THE ANXIETY CURE.” Here, you will learn which approach is constructive for which anxiety disorder. You will also find out which physical causes of anxiety disorders are often overlooked by doctors and what the pattern interrupters against anxiety are all about, which can often stop budding panic attacks within a few seconds. If you are interested, go DIRECTLY TO THE VIDEO COURSE THROUGH THIS LINK, which is available at a 50% discount for a short time.